Best Lamp Stack

Learn why some of today’s most popular open source web applications run on LAMP, a time-tested stack of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

Good read, true to the title 'LAMP Stack for Humans'. I purchased this to gain some foundation for deploying a web connected server using the LAMP Stack, the book is written with the goal to deploy a network connected server running Wordpress for inter-office tasks. A LAMP stack is a collection of applications that work seamlessly together to create a powerful open-source web server. The application stack is not only completely free, but also unbelievably powerful and highly customizable, both of which make it a popular choice for developers. One of the best things about a LAMP stack is its ease of deployment. The LAMP Stack The LAMP can be called a classic, time-tested stack of technologies – Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. The LAMP still remains one of the most common ways to deliver web applications and was one of the first open-source software stacks which is still widely used. Popular open-source CMS such as WordPress and Drupal use LAMP. The lamp stack is probably the most common stack used for hosting websites and web applications, especially small to medium-sized sites. In a LAMP stack, Linux operating system provides a base foundation on which all the other components of the stack can run. Apache is the webserver software it receives and handles all the requests from visitors.

What is a LAMP stack?

  • Learn more about the time-tested stack used throughout the open source community
  • Program with a dynamic language you can quickly get into and see results
  • Build on customizable modules to create and deploy web apps your way
  • Add valuable new knowledge and skills to your resume

You may have heard something about the LAMP stack. That wouldn’t be surprising, since some of today’s most popular open source web applications — for example, WordPress and Drupal — run on LAMP.

But LAMP has a lot more to its credit. It was one of the first open source software stacks for the web and remains one of the most common ways to deliver web applications. It is so widely used that you are likely to encounter it frequently during your career as you update or host existing applications. And it is considered by many to be the platform of choice for developing new custom web apps.

Stable, simple, powerful—these are words most often used to describe LAMP. All of this makes it well worth learning about and a valuable addition to any developer’s resume.

Best Lamp Stack For Windows


LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Together, they provide a proven set of software for delivering high-performance web applications. Each component contributes essential capabilities to the stack:

  • Linux: The operating system. Linux is a free and open source operating system (OS) that has been around since the mid-1990s. Today, it has an extensive worldwide user base that extends across industries. Linux is popular in part because it offers more flexibility and configuration options than some other operating systems.
  • Apache: The web server. The Apache web server processes requests and serves up web assets via HTTP so that the application is accessible to anyone in the public domain over a simple web URL. Developed and maintained by an open community, Apache is a mature, feature-rich server that runs a large share of the websites currently on the internet.
  • MySQL: The database. MySQL is an open source relational database management system for storing application data. With My SQL, you can store all your information in a format that is easily queried with the SQL language. SQL is a great choice if you are dealing with a business domain that is well structured, and you want to translate that structure into the backend. MySQL is suitable for running even large and complex sites. See 'SQL vs. NoSQL Databases: What's the Difference?' for more information on SQL and NoSQL databases.
  • PHP: The programming language. The PHP open source scripting language works with Apache to help you create dynamic web pages. You cannot use HTML to perform dynamic processes such as pulling data out of a database. To provide this type of functionality, you simply drop PHP code into the parts of a page that you want to be dynamic.

PHP is designed for efficiency. It makes programming easier—and a bit more fun—by allowing you to write new code, hit refresh, and immediately see the resulting changes without the need for compiling. If you prefer, you can swap out PHP in favor of Perl or the increasingly popular Python language.

LAMP has a classic layered architecture, with Linux at the lowest level. The next layer is Apache and MySQL, followed by PHP. Although PHP is nominally at the top or presentation layer, the PHP component sits inside Apache.

How the elements work together


A high-level look at the LAMP stack order of execution shows how the elements interoperate. The process starts when the Apache web server receives requests for web pages from a user’s browser. If the request is for a PHP file, Apache passes the request to PHP, which loads the file and executes the code contained in the file. PHP also communicates with MySQL to fetch any data referenced in the code.

PHP then uses the code in the file and the data from the database to create the HTML that browsers require to display web pages. The LAMP stack is efficient at handling not only static web pages, but also dynamic pages where the content may change each time it is loaded depending on the date, time, user identity and other factors.

Best Lamp Stack For Mac

After running the file code, PHP then passes the resulting data back to the Apache web server to send to the browser. It can also store this new data in MySQL. And of course, all of these operations are enabled by the Linux operating system running at the base of the stack.


Although LAMP uses Linux as the OS, you can use the other components with an alternative OS to meet your specific needs. For example, there is a WAMP stack, which uses Microsoft Windows; MAMP with the Mac OS; and even WIMP, using Windows and the Internet Information Services webserver from Microsoft.

Because LAMP is all open source and non-proprietary, you can avoid lock-in. You have the flexibility to select the right components for specific projects or business requirements.

LAMP offers flexibility in other ways as well. Apache is modular in design, and you will find there are existing, customizable modules available for many different extensions. These modules range from support for other languages to authentication capabilities.

Another advantage of LAMP is its secure architecture and well-established encryption practices that have been proven in the enterprise.


LAMP can help you reduce development time. Because LAMP is an open source stack that has been available for more than a decade, there is today a substantial LAMP ecosystem. You can build on what other people have done in the past and make it your own. Work within an Apache module that gets you 80% of the way there, customize the last 20%, and save considerable time as a result.

LAMP stack and IBM


Lamp Stack Best Practices

Technology can become complex, obscuring the basic workings of the software. A LAMP stack gets back to basics, taking you a little closer to the technical serving of web pages and how that is done. You might also say it’s a pure way to create an application. You have your database, your scripting language, and a way to serve it to clients—that’s LAMP.

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LAMP Stack Web Development

LAMP stand for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. LAMP Stack Web Development is an open source web development platform that uses Linux as the operating system, Apache is used as a web server, MYSQL is used as a relational database management system and PHP is used as Object-oriented scripting language. Instead of PHP we can also use Perl and Python.
If you are using Linux OS then it is called LAMP, if Windows OS then WAMP, if Macintosh OS then MAMP, if Solaris OS then SAMP. As the Platform has 4 layers so that's why it is known as LAMP Stack.

Component Of LAMP Stack

Linux - The operating system

Linux is a multi user, multi-tasking and open source operating system. Linux acts as an interface between the application software and hardware. You can find Linux operating system mostly in servers, and also in many areas such as smartphones, cars, home appliances etc.
The advantage of Linux is that it’s an open source software. It means that source code is freely available to anyone, you can edit and make it highly customizable piece of software. Many Organizations use Linux as the server operating system due its stability and reliability.
The core functionalities of Linux operating system are handled by kernel, a program that manages the resources of a computer system. User can instruct the operating system to perform a specific task by issuing a command. Users issue these commands through the interface called as shell. Shell is a program that interacts with the kernel by invoking a well-defined set of system calls.

Apache - The web server

Best lamp stackBest

Apache Web server is free and open-source software developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. The initial release date was April 1995 with released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. Apache HTTP Server is written in C & XML. It is used to processes requests and serves up web assets via HTTP, so that the application is accessible to all who are accessing the public domain on a simple web URL.

MySQL - The database

MySQL is a popular Open Source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that helps in developing database for any application in a customized manner. It is the most preferred database solution for many web application development. Social web sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube uses MySQL databases for their high volume contents.
MySQL has the following features - Open Source database, Provides high scalability, cross platform compatible, ACID compliant database, data partitioning, highly secure and flexible database.

PHP - The programming language

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessing is used to design and develop dynamic and interactive web pages. PHP Created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, Initially called Personal Home Page (PHP) and PHP 3.0 released in June 1998. PHP is server side scripting language – PHP scripts run at server side. PHP is Interpreter based – Scripts are processed every time it is run. There is no compiled output.
PHP has the following features - Cross platform compatibility, Database integration, Object oriented programming, XML Support, Error Handling with Exceptions.
82.1% of the web sites we know, use PHP server side scripting.

Perl - The programming language

PERL stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language, developed by Larry Wall in 1987, originally designed for reading text files and preparing reports based on that information and widely used for system administration.
Perl is a powerful scripting language that has been popular for more than two decades. We can use Perl to buildt Know Where to Start, or Don't Want to Spend Weeks Researching How to Do It. This step-by-step guide teaches you everything you need to know in order to eliminate single points of failure for your Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP based web applications. Do you wish you could ensure your web site was up all the time and finally enjoy a peaceful night's sleep? Do you want to be able to scale without downtime and handle unexpected surges of traffic?

Best LAMP Stack Courses And Tutorials

1. High Availability for the LAMP Stack, Step-by-Step(Udemy)

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