Make A Autoclicker Using Script Editor


As I play alot of games that make you have to click, My hand gets tired from all the clicking. So as a second program I thought, 'Why not make an auto clicker.' V1.0 - Release. Auto clicker that when your right click, it pauses the script for 2 seconds than goes back to auto clicking. Controls are: Esc- close. As well as using the macro recorder to create a macro you can use it to create sections of code in existing macros. You may need to record a sequence of keystrokes in part of an app in just one section of code. Or use the Keyboard Wizard, or Mouse Action Wizard. Code Wizards Here's a demo of two powerful but easy to use code wizards. I teach you how to make an autoclicker in JavaScript:D. I teach you how to make an autoclicker in JavaScript:D. EDIT SCRIPT Click this to take you to the script editor. When you click EDIT SCRIPT, the Script Editor will open. There are 2 parts: the main scripting area and the Output. The 3 lines in the script editor will always be there by default. In the menu bar you will see 4 tabs: Script. Save, Import (a Lua file), Export (as a Lua. A simple and easy autoclicker for Mac, using Apple Script Editor (which is pre-installed on every Mac). If you have any questions/comments, let me know in th.

Jun 18th, 2016
Make A Autoclicker Using Script Editor
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Make A Autoclicker Using Script Editor Free

EditorMake a autoclicker using script editor code

Make A Auto Clicker Using Script Editor Online

  1. ;v2.1.1
  2. #InstallKeybdHook
  3. DetectHiddenWindows, on
  4. SetBatchLines -1
  5. SetFormat, float, 0.0
  6. toggle := true
  7. mouseMoved := false
  8. Mode := 0
  9. pmy := 0
  10. totalClicks := 1
  11. TempRateSPC := 1
  12. setTimer, checkMouseMovement, 10
  13. setTimer, setTip, 5
  14. while (A_TickCount - TTStart < 5000 && !toggle)
  15. TooltipMsg = Press (Alt + Backspace) to toggle autoclicker `n Press (Alt + Dash(-)) for options
  16. TooltipMsg =
  17. !-::
  18. {
  19. {
  20. settingPoints := false
  21. TooltipMsg =
  22. Gui, Add, Radio, x25 y10 gActEdit1 vmode, Clicks per second:
  23. Gui, Add, Radio, x25 y35 gActEdit2, Seconds per click:
  24. Gui, Add, Edit, x135 y8 w50 Number Left vtempRateCPS, % tempRateCPS
  25. Gui, Add, Edit, x135 y33 w50 Number Left vtempRateSPC, % tempRateSPC
  26. Gui, Add, Edit, x133 y63 w50 Number Left vtotalClicks, % totalClicks
  27. Gui, Add, Text, x27 y100, (Default is 50 clicks per second)
  28. Gui, Add, Button, x112 y117 Default gSetVal, Set
  29. Gui, Add, Text, x188 y151, v2.1.1
  30. {
  31. GoSub, ActEdit1
  32. else
  33. GuiControl, Seconds per click:, 1
  34. }
  35. else
  36. return
  37. ActEdit1:
  38. GuiControl, Disable, tempRateSPC
  39. Send +{End}
  40. GuiControl, Enable, tempRateSPC
  41. GuiControl, Focus, tempRateSPC
  42. return
  43. Reset:
  44. actWin :=
  45. currentClick := 1
  46. Gui, Font, s8
  47. Gui, Add, Text, x54 y145, Click locations reset.
  48. Gui, Submit
  49. clickRate := tempRateCPS > 0 ? 1000 / tempRateCPS : 1000
  50. clickRate := tempRateSPC > 0 ? 1000 * tempRateSPC : 1000
  51. {
  52. actWin :=
  53. }
  54. if toggle
  55. EmptyMem()
  56. }
  57. return
  58. !Backspace::
  59. IfWinNotExist, NIAC Settings ; Only functional if options window is not open
  60. toggle := !toggle
  61. {
  62. if (!actWin) ; actWin value is also used to determine if checks are set. If they aren't:
  63. settingPoints := true ; Used to allow break if options are opened
  64. {
  65. TooltipMsg = Click the desired autoclick location.
  66. TooltipMsg = Click the location for point %A_Index%.
  67. Keywait, LButton, D
  68. if !settingPoints ; Opening options sets this to false, breaking the loop
  69. TooltipMsg =
  70. MouseGetPos, xp%newIndex%, yp%newIndex%
  71. }
  72. }
  73. else ; If values ARE set (actWin contains data):
  74. settingPoints := false
  75. TTStart = %A_TickCount%
  76. }
  77. EmptyMem()
  78. }
  79. {
  80. TTStart = %A_TickCount%
  81. setTimer, autoclick, off
  82. }
  83. StringReplace, cleanTTM, TooltipMsg, ##
  84. if (InStr(TooltipMsg, '##') && A_TickCount - TTStart > 1000)
  85. if TooltipMsg =
  86. Tooltip
  87. }
  88. if (WinExist('ahk_id' . actWin) || !actWin) ; If NIAC is clicking in a window, or the window isn't set, it's all good.
  89. MouseGetPos, tx, ty
  90. mouseMoved := false
  91. mouseMoved := true
  92. pmy := ty
  93. else ; Otherwise, the target window has been closed.
  94. Msgbox, 4, NIAC, Target window has been closed, `n Do you want to close NIAutoclicker as well?
  95. ExitApp
  96. {
  97. toggle := false
  98. }
  99. if !(WinActive('ahk_id' . actWin) && (A_TimeIdlePhysical < 50 && !mouseMoved))
  100. cx := xp%currentClick%
  101. ControlClick, x%cx% y%cy%, ahk_id %actWin%, NA
  102. currentClick := % Mod(currentClick + 1, totalClicks)
  103. return
  104. ~*LButton up::
  105. $~*LButton::
  106. if winClick = %actWin%
  107. Send {Blind}{LButton Down}
  108. IfWinNotExist, NIAC Settings
  109. Send {Blind}{LButton Up}
  110. {
  111. h:=DllCall('OpenProcess', 'UInt', 0x001F0FFF, 'Int', 0, 'Int', pid)
  112. DllCall('SetProcessWorkingSetSize', 'UInt', h, 'Int', -1, 'Int', -1)
  113. }
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Make A Auto Clicker Using Script Editor Download