
  1. P90x3 Workouts
  2. P90x3 Workout Schedule

Once you’re actively working through the p90x3 workout schedule, not only will you be shredding pounds, building muscle mass and increasing your strength.

There are 4 different programs within the P90X3 video series (all are available with the complete video set). Classic (pictured above) – This is the original version of P90X3 and the one that creator and host (Tony Horton) had at the forefront of his mind while developing the series. This is the version that I have completed multiple times. Welcome to P90X3, if you have this workout, and you have done it, you probably love it. And you probably have done it more than once, hence the need for more P90X3 Worksheets! The creator of all the P90X workouts, Tony Horton took everything he learned from P90X® and P90X2®—coupled it with new science that shows intense 30-minute workouts.

P90X3 is not for the faint-hearted, not ideal for beginners. Before working your way through P90X3, you need a brief introduction to this as well as P90X.

P90X3 is a total-body workout system that requires 30 minutes a day. This fitness program claims to get you ripped and help shed pounds of fat. The exercise DVDs include 6 Muscle-building Resistance, 3 Cross-Training Power, 3 Fat-Burning Cardio, 4 Core, Flexibility, and Balance.

What Is P90X?

The original P90X workout program remains one of the best ways to add form and structure to the exercise component of a busy lifestyle. It has never been easy for mind and body to discipline itself for daily exercise.

The easy scheduling of weekly workout activities makes this possible. Having a schedule to work through might also make it a little easier to maintain a vigorous training routine which might require up to six days of daily training.

The original P90X concept is based on the intent to ‘sow muscle confusion’. While the workout schedules are varied, new moves are continuously being introduced and the body is never able to fully adapt.

What Is A P90X3 Schedule?

So, to give a quick overview for those that are not familiar about the p90x3 workout here’s a brief description of what it covers and what the differences are between p90x and p90x3. The p90x3 workout schedule consists of 16 well-structured and organised workouts that has been put together by fitness expert Tony Horton. Each set of workouts is 30 minutes in length in order to give you high intensity workouts that will work each muscle group to the maximum benefit for greater results. The workouts will run for a consecutive 90 days (hence the name) Albeit when you come to the Sunday session this is all about doing stretching so that you are rearing and ready to go when Monday comes back round and the body has a chance to recover and rebuild from the weeks workouts that have just passed. So, the 3-month workout schedule breaks you in nicely with an easy month in the beginning of month one and then gradually getting more advanced by the 3rd month. The beauty of the program is not only does it have the opportunity to help those of you looking to ripped do but also focuses on all core exercise areas of the body which include Strength training, Plyometrics, stretching and even yoga. To help you along your 3 month journey you also get the use of a handy nutritional guide and workout calendar to track your journey and aid in your own fitness goals through the period.

Why A 90 Day High Intensity Workout?

The concept is similar to what is known as periodization techniques whereby the body is continuously being driven to achieve its peak condition. Scientific research shows that those workout programs that bring more variety to the table derive more benefits than those that are routine.

P90X3 workouts are designed to run in circuits. You’re required to move through each exercise with little rest and recuperation in-between. This is deliberately tough, and keeps the heart rate up.

The strength training package, for instance, asks you to target different parts of your body each day. One day, you’ll be working on your chest and back. Another day, it will be your shoulders and arms, legs and back, switching back to the chest, shoulders and triceps. The plyometrics * package is rewarding because you’re introduced to yoga and kickboxing. Stretching exercises remain important, and cardio fitness exercises are included.

  • Plyometrics – explosive power movements.

Which P90X3 Schedule Should You Be Following?

It’s left up to you to decide after sampling the info you’ve been gifted with.

  • Chest & back weight training – only fifty plus minutes of training required.
  • Shoulders & arms training – 50 minutes plus.
  • Yoga – absorbs all energy, good breathing and relaxation techniques and a good way to reduce stress.
  • Kickboxing – A great way to relieve yourself of frustration.
  • Rest – An important day which also includes stretching.

Sample P90X Maintenance Schedules Remain Challenging

The Plyometrics workout has been described as the ‘most intense’ out of the entire P90X system. One hour of training begins with a long warm-up. The routine is focused on boosting cardiovascular fitness. You’ll be taken through a range of jumping motions that will be working the lower body mainly.

Make sure that you’re wearing a decent pair of trainers for these exercises because you want your feet and ankles, as well as your knees, to be able to absorb all the shock that will be transferred to these areas. You’ll also be using an exercise mat with a soft landing surface. The exercises are high impact. Do not attempt these if you’re currently dealing with ankle, lower back, hip and knee issues.

Sample One Is Intense

Whichever schedule you elect to begin with, you’ll be training non-stop for a full ninety days. But the challenges are lightened thanks to the variety added. And the schedule changes every three or four weeks. Schedules are flexible and can be adjusted.

Sample Two may just work for the Beginners

The Beach Body package remains challenging for beginners. Apart from the stretch routine, you’re given a healthy dose of push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups.

Classic Schedule Included

1st 3 weeks

The good thing about the first three weeks on this classic schedule is that you’re going to be doing something different each and every day. On your rest day you’ll be doing stretching exercises. On the very first day of training you’ll be getting your abs ripped and rolling into chest and back exercises.

Day two is devoted to plyometrics. Day three is for the shoulders and arms, and yet another ab ripper. The fourth day of training switches to yoga classes. Day number six is for your Kenpo-styled kickboxing class.

This schedule requires you to get through a minimum of three resistance workouts. During these workouts you’ll be utilizing barbells, dumbbells, free weights, resistance bands, exercise balls and pull up bars. For the remainder of the week bar one, you’ll be required to do cardiovascular and yoga work.

  • Day 1 – Chest & back exercises.
  • Day 2 – Plyometrics.
  • Day 3 – Shoulders & arms exercises.
  • Day 4 – Yoga.
  • Day 5 – Legs & back exercises.
  • Day 6 – Kenpo-style kickboxing
  • Day 7 – Rest.

Here’s What You Need To Get Lean

Cardiovascular activity becomes more intense. The purpose of the exercise is to get lean and burn off as much fat as possible. Here, you won’t be focused on building muscles. Cardio and yoga exercises run concurrently for four days, while on the remaining two days you’ll be focusing on resistance training.

Here’s A Sample Of Your First Week Of Training.

  • Day 1 – Core exercises.
  • Day 2 – Cardiovascular workout.
  • Day 3 – Shoulders & arms exercises.
  • Day 4 – Yoga.
  • Day 5 – Legs & back exercises.
  • Day 6 – Kenpo kickboxing.
  • Day 7 – Rest & stretch.

What Is The P90X Double Schedule About?

Here two sample phases out of the entire ninety days of ‘double’ training is listed. This is probably going to be the toughest of the three P90X schedules featured in this article.

The second month of training sees you moving on to strength training. This will be done in the morning. But in the evening you’ll be doing cardiovascular exercises. The deliberate intensity of the training is designed to produce explosive results within the shortest period of time possible.

P90x3 scheduleP90x3 and running

It’s highly recommended that you try out the Classic program before you move on to the Double. Because of the intensity it’s also recommended that you stick to your stretch routine in order to keep limbs and muscles supple and less prone to injury.

First Double Phase – 3 weeks

  • Day 1 – Chest & back exercises.
  • Day 2 – Plyometrics.
  • Day 3 – Shoulders & arms exercises.
  • Day 4 – Yoga.
  • Day 5 – Legs & back exercises.
  • Day 6 – Kickboxing.
  • Day 7 – Rest & stretch.

Phase 1 – Fourth Week Of Training

  • Day 1 – Yoga.
  • Day 2 – Core exercises.
  • Day 3 – Kickboxing.
  • Day 4 – Stretching.
  • Day 5 – Repeat Day 2.
  • Day 6 – Repeat Day 1.
  • Day 7 – Rest & stretch.

Second Double Phase – 3 weeks (5 to 7)

  • Day 1 – AM: Cardiovascular exercises; PM: Chest, shoulders & triceps exercises.
  • Day 2 – Plyometrics.
  • Day 3 – AM: Cardio exercises; PM: Back & biceps exercises.
  • Day 4 – Yoga.
  • Day 5 – AM: Cardio exercises; PM: Back & legs exercises.
  • Day 6 – Kickboxing.
  • Day 7 – Rest and/or stretching.

Mass Is for Bulking but Elite Is For Power

Use the Mass Workout schedule to focus on building muscle mass. There’s less focus on cardiovascular exercise, but if you’re using the P90X3 Elite workout schedule then cardio can be included. The focus here is to help you increase your power, performance and speed.

Here’s a short list of cardio-focused workouts that have been included.


This routine includes ‘creative’ exercises. But if you’re been challenged for balance and coordination then you’ll need time to master these exercises.


This schedule carries on with the cardio focus but includes weight training. There’s little rest in-between workout stations. Four exercises included are described as metabolic resistance-type training. And there’s every possibility that the trainer will burn off more calories than would have been the case during conventional weight lifting. Here you only need one small dumbbell and a light-weight medicine ball.


This is for those of you with an interest in martial arts. Here you’ll learn how to utilise quick combination movements for mock-combat situations. Plenty of cardio work is included in the workout. Mastering the moves may require time.

Warm-ups include jumping jacks, double knee pulls, arm circles and quad pulls and real time martial arts moves include high-low jabs, hooks, uppercuts and triple jabs.


Here, intensity is increased with almost twenty different moves done at three different levels. Each level increases with intensity. Your pattern of exercises combines explosive moves with moves not so explosive.


This schedule requires you to carry out a number of customised body movements. But you’ll be required to work via your DVD instructor to carry out what he calls twist and pivot, foot pursuit, X jacks and balanced burpees. In the latter movement, you’ll be coming out in a low squat and extending your legs out into a plank formation. With the X jacks, you’ll be carrying out two different styles of jumping jacks.

Strength Focused Workouts

A number of customised routines, namely; Isometrix, the Warrior, Total Synergistics and Upper and Lower ‘Eccentric’ body-focused exercises are included. Here’s a brief summary of each.


Four rounds of exercises in just thirty minutes combing core, cardio and upper body exercises.


Emphasis is placed on working both sides of the body, combining different manuvers such as left arm reaches, standing left leg extensions and forearm side balances. There’s even exercises called the Royal Dancer and the one-armed Sphinx. In the latter case, you’re required to adopt the plank position, while the ‘dancer’ move requires you to stand on one leg while grabbing the ankle, keeping the chest up.

P90x3 Workouts

Total Synergistics

This section is well worth a more comprehensive overview. Here. you’ll be getting complete of sixteen exercises that all challenge your body, one way or another. For instance, once you’ve achieved burn-outs from doing your chin-ups, there’ll be no let-up and you’ll be required to lunge straight into the next routine. This then is the essence of ‘Total Synergistics’. According to program creator, Tony Horton, it’s a high-grade volume of resistance training which requires you to utilize more than one muscle group at the same time.


You’re also required to do what Horton calls stabilization training that force both brain and muscles to work together. Synergistic moves do, however, combine your usual jumping jacks, twists and pivots, arm circles and double knee pulls.

The Challenge

Not for nothing has this workout section been branded thus. Well, at least you’ll be given a two-minute breather, but no more. This schedule now includes four groups of two exercises each. For instance, you’ll be doing a variety of pull-ups and push-ups. Each exercise included in this routine, with its number of reps set, will need to be repeated at least once.

Eccentric Upper

Focusing on the upper half of the body, you’re required to complete each move in only ten reps. You’ll also be taking your time with these reps. The object of the exercise is to create a more focused motion whereby you’re pulling in more muscle fibers in the process. Here you’ll be doing standard push-ups and pull-ups in the process, as well as chin-ups.

Eccentric Lower

Before proceeding to the main bought of exercises, you’ll be required to follow through on warm-up exercises that are both aerobic and stretch-oriented. Your main workout sees you doing squats and lunges, in which cases the reps are also restricted to ten.


To do pull-up exercises under this category, you can be utilizing the pull-up bar or pull-up assist band, or both. If you’re able to get through all twenty-plus exercises, in thirty minutes, Horton believes you can rid yourself of over two-hundred odd calories. But let’s assume that he’s talking about average size, stature and weight.


For the purposes of creating a suppler body, this discipline should be attempted. It also provides you with added variety throughout what is likely to be an intense P90X3 training week, with each yoga session lasting no more than thirty minutes.


Stretching exercises will always be important because it is what helps keep the body elastic and free of injury. Two stretch routines in the form of Dynamix Moves and Pilates X are included. With Dynamix, you’re doing leg and adductor lifts, as well as forearm planks. Pilates X moves require you to be on your back, curling your chin upwards and extending your legs outwards at forty-five degree angles to the floor.

Now below is acopy of my p90x3 workout schedule I have put together. Please feel free to use these at your leisure. You can download and print them off also and use them with your own workouts.

If you enjoyed that article and want to get serious about your fitness goals, then check out my guide that I’ve put together and allowing you guys to have access below.

P90x3 Workout Schedule

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