Omnisphere 2 Forum

I've been in almost daily communication with Spectrasonics for the last week and a half and while the tech has been helpful, we still haven't solved the problem. Figured I'd run it by you folks.
Windows 7, i7 quad-core, 16gb ram, 2gb nvidia gpu. Omnisphere 2 ran successfully, even with multiple instances. I signed up for the 2.5 beta and ran that without issue. When the final release turned up I downloaded it and here's where I ran into trouble.
After applying the update I launched O2 from the desktop icon. The bottom half of the splash screen was blank (solid black, no printed info). There were no presets listed, no waves to choose from. The browser showed blue folders on a white background. I could click dropdown boxes and see things like clock division. I closed it and launched Sonar X3 to open O2 from there. Same thing. I thought that something happened during the update and that it might be the safest thing to reinstall O2. From disks. It takes a long time.
This time I launched Sonar first and was prompted for authorization. Except that where the challenge code window usually is, there was nothing. The 'copy' and 'paste' buttons were there, but no codes, no window to copy from or paste to. Fast forward to two more reinstallations from disk. No change.
Spectrasonics was kind enough to provide me a download of O2 to save me time. They had me apply an Easy Fix and another Windows Update to allow the download. The results were identical. No presets, no challenge code/windows. So just for the hell of it, I clicked 'copy' and on the web site authorization window clicked paste. A code appeared. I advanced to get a response code, copied that and returned to O2. I clicked the 'paste' button though there was nowhere to paste the code, and was prompted to close O2 and reopen--a normal authorization process. Unfortunately the results were the same.
Now, after one of the reinstalls I opened Stylus RMX to see if I had hosed it in the process. It asked for authorization. I did that, but I'm not sure why that happened. Then before the last O2 reinstallation I uninstalled Stylus, then installed O2, then installed Stylus again. It prompted for authorization and worked predictably.
But I haven't gained any ground. O2 continues to show a blank splash screen, no presets, no waves. Any thoughts?
Omnisphere 2 Forum

Omnisphere 2 Forum

  • Tried paying with pay pal, it works for the omnisphere 1 plug in but not for omnisphere 2, please help? The link doesn't work or something on the page. It works for the latter though, weird, i really want this too.
  • Windows 7, i7 quad-core, 16gb ram, 2gb nvidia gpu. Omnisphere 2 ran successfully, even with multiple instances. I signed up for the 2.5 beta and ran that without issue. When the final release turned up I downloaded it and here's where I ran into trouble. After applying the update I launched O2 from the desktop icon.
  • Omnisphere 2.5.1d UpdateOmnisphere 2.5.1d Update is available now! New feature enhancements and OS X Mojave compatibility!
  • Forum Topics Related To Omnisphere 2. Anyone who has posted in a forum topic can add products to its related section. Simply visit a forum topic and click the.

Omnisphere 2 For Sale

My Omnisphere 2 has been using all the my CPU with one sound and they seemed to be having trouble finding the source to the problem. When I was using Omnisphere 1 it worked fine but now I am here.obviously Here is my computer info: HP envy AMD 6 core processor FX 6200 Windows 8.1 10 GB DDR3 System memory 1.5 TB hard drive.